What does Petunia almost say to Harry? Celebrity.fm #1 Official Stars, Business & People Net

In the scene Petunia says, u201c You didn’t just lose a mother that night in Godric’s Hollow you know, I lost a sister.u201d But Petunia saying this, I believe is wishful thinking! She was to hardened to love Harry or exchange good words. A good ending would seem unrealistic to me.

What did Petunia do to Harry? Petunia never showed any love and affection at all towards Harry because he reminded her of Lily and the wizarding world. She treated him as a waste of space, often abusing him, giving him the cupboard under the stairs at first and making him do all the chores.

Simply so, Was Petunia ever nice to Harry? Definitely!! She cared about Harry almost as much as she cared about Lily. Although she refrained from letting it be seen. It would have been really easy for the Dursleys to have sent Harry to an orphanage or something, had Petunia not cared about her sister’s son and kept him all through his childhood.

What did Petunia want to say to Harry at the end of the Dursleys departing? A Howler from Dumbledore, addressed to Petunia, said ‘Remember my last’ u2013 no doubt referring to the letter which he left with baby Harry, on the doorstep of Privet Drive. … During her final parting with Harry, she stopped for a moment, as if to say something.

Did Petunia go to Lily’s funeral?

Apparently Petunia arranged the funeral for Lily and James, choosing for them to be buried in Godrics Hollow. Petunia was the only member left of Liliy’s and James’ family so it was left for her to do.

Also What did Dumbledore’s Howler to Petunia mean? Dumbledore had a sufficient foresight as to what would happen after the attack. He immediately dispatched a howler to Petunia. The howler reminded her that Harry’s fate thus, would be the same for her family, if she decided to let him go, and break the charm. Hence she decided to let him stay. Not for his protection.

Was Petunia a squib? The theory stems from JK Rowling’s answer to a fan question during a 2004 conversation at the Edinburgh Book Festival. The fan asked the author if Aunt Petunia was a Squib (a non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent) and Rowling replied: … No, she is not, she is not a Squib. She is a Muggle.

What happened to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia? Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley were forced from their homes to be placed under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix due to the threat of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. … Before the family left their home, Dudley left out a cup of tea for his cousin. Although, Harry initially viewed it as a prank.

Why do James and Lily look so old?

In the Harry Potter movies, Lily and James are cast significantly older because they needed to look like Harry’s parents and match other actors’ ages. The Harry Potter movies made many big changes from J.K. Rowling’s novels, including the ages of Lily and James Potter.

Who wrote the Howler to Aunt Petunia? Letter information

This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter” into her home. This howler ensured Harry Potter continued to reside at the Dursley residence.

Was Petunia a Squib?

The theory stems from JK Rowling’s answer to a fan question during a 2004 conversation at the Edinburgh Book Festival. The fan asked the author if Aunt Petunia was a Squib (a non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent) and Rowling replied: … No, she is not, she is not a Squib. She is a Muggle.

What was the pact between Dumbledore and Petunia? This letter was written by Albus Dumbledore on 1 November 1981 to Petunia Dursley. The letter detailed the wards that would be created if she were to take in her nephew, Harry Potter, until he was seventeen.

What if Petunia was a witch?

If Petunia was a witch, she would certainly have no bitterness or anger against her sister, Lily.

Is Petunia older than Lily?

Petunia Dursley (née Evans) (pre 1960 – pre 2020) was a Muggle, the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Evans, and the older sister of the Muggle-born witch Lily. … However, when Lily was killed by Lord Voldemort, Petunia became the guardian of her nephew, Harry Potter, who was only an infant then.

How did Petunia react to Lily’s death? No doubt Petunia would have been saddened by the news of Lily’s death but those complicated emotions – grief, regret and unresolved jealousy – were probably buried in the distractions of housework, gossip and pandering to her son Dudley’s every whim.

Does Hermione see her parents again? J.K. Rowling confirmed that immediately after the Second Wizarding War ended, Hermione went to Australia and restored her parents‘ memories. … As difficult as it was, Hermione did what she needed to in order to keep her parents safe, and as soon as she could made things right with them again, she did.

Who did Dudley Dursley marry?

You may be looking for the mother of Vernon and Marjorie Dursley. Mrs Dursley was the wife of Dudley Dursley: the couple had two children. When her husband’s cousin Harry Potter visited them with his family, their children would play while Dudley and Harry sat together quietly.

Why does Harry Potter have no grandparents? According to J.K. Rowling, all of Harry’s grandparents (on both sides) were dead by the time he was born. This is why he was handed off to the Dursley home, where his life became very depressing for several years. … This means Harry’s parents were 21 years old at the time they were killed.

How were Harry’s parents so rich?

For years, fans have wondered how the Potter family came to be so rich, especially given that Harry’s parents, Lily and James, were only 21 when they were murdered by Lord Voldemort. … It was these “medicinal services,” including “Skele-gro” and “Pepper Potion,” that were the beginnings of the Potter family fortune.

How old was Lily when James died? Lily and James lost their lives on October 31, 1981, while protecting their son from Voldemort’s Killing Curse. As seen on the gravestones in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Lily and James were just 21 years old when they died.

Is Dudley Dursley a Squib?

Dudley could have only been a Squib if his parents were wizards. You can’t have a Muggle-born Squib, they’re just a Muggle. He could have been a wizard, and that probably would’ve changed their opinion on magic, but he couldn’t have been a Squib unless they were magic.

Why did Dumbledore send Harry to the Dursleys? Therefore, Dumbledore sent him to live with his aunt Petunia, Vernon’s wife, where a charm based on Harry’s mother’s blood tie with her sister would protect him until he reached maturity, so long as he spent some time during the holidays at his aunt’s place.

Why did Vernon and Petunia keep Harry?

Due to Petunia’s maternal connection to Harry Potter, he was sent to live with the Dursleys after his parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort. … This would provide Harry with magical protection against Lord Voldemort and his followers when Harry was outside the powerful protective spells around Hogwarts Castle.

How did Petunia protect Harry? In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, after Petunia receives a Howler from Dumbledore, she tries to save Harry’s life by allowing him to stay at their Privet Drive residence. … This also relates to the fact that Harry was allowed to return to the Dursley’s home during the summer, so he could be protected.

What if Dudley was a wizard?

If Dudley were born a wizard, the Dursleys would have an instant change of heart about the wizarding world. Petunia would overcome her childhood disappointment at not being a witch by living vicariously through Dudley. Vernon would undergo a comically rapid change of attitude.

Why did Aunt Petunia let Harry stay? Because she used to love Lily when they were little and Dumbledore explained that by allowing Harry to live with them would save his life. She may have resented him, but she didn’t want him to be dead on her account!

Why did Petunia agree to Harry? Originally Answered: Why did the Dursleys agreed to take Harry Potter after they found him on their doorstep? They could have given him away if they were so reluctant to raise him. Because of the letter Dumbledore left with infant Harry for his Aunt Petunia.

Did Petunia go to Harry’s wedding?

And the Dursleys didn’t attend the Potters’ marriage ceremony. “[Petunia] and Vernon chose not to attend Lily and James’ wedding. The very last piece of correspondence she received from Lily and James was the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.”

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